You probably know Catalysts/Cloudflight in connection to Big Data and High Performance Computing.
But we actually have successfully implemented several projects in the sector of industry 4.0 in the last years.
One might think, “That’s all nice to hear, but why is that important?”
The following quiz shows chances and advantages through industry 4.0 – maybe you can identify business models relevant to your company.
Start now and check up your knowledge in the Industry 4.0 sector. You can find the answers at the end of the blog post.
1.) Which industry branches are suitable for industry 4.0 development?
a) Industry 4.0 is in first instance an enrichment for the service industry.
b) Industrie 4.0 can be used in all industrial contexts where processes need to be more intelligent.
c) Especially in the automotive and agricultural sector.
2.) Which economical potential do you see with industry 4.0 in the german speaking area? (D, CH,A)
a) a plus of 43 billion euros until 2025 in the value chain.
b) a plus of 59 billion euros until 2025 in the value chain.
c) a possible plus of 78 billion euros until 2025 in the value chain.
3.) What is a Smart Factory?
a) Robots who will replace people?
b) Factories and logistic systems that will operate and organise themselves without human interaction?
c) Factories and logisitc systems that will organise themselves by human interaction.
4.) Which role do internet technologies and the “IoT” play in the context of industry 4.0?
a) They form the base to connect everyday items.
b) They form the base for an environmental friendly production.
c) They form among others the base for corporate communication.
5.) When will the industry 4.0 reach the market?
a) To reach a production environment – this will not happen before 2030.
b) First implementations will be released by 2020.
c) Industry 4.0 is already being used in several production lines.
We actually have our open day on 2nd March 2017 in Linz – where we are looking forward to inform you personally about all details and in which projects we already implemented industry 4.0. Next to that you will get in touch with a great team that stands behind Catalysts/Cloudflight.
Question 1:
The usage of industry 4.0 can not be restricted to a specific industry. It is much more an industrial revolution that can be used everywhere, where processes need to get more intelligent*.
* Intelligent in a sense of product ressources that are autonomous, situative controlable, self configurable, knowledge based, sensor-supported and dispursed in their locations. (production machinery, robots, conveyor and warehouse-systems, production facilities) including planning and control-systems.
definition by Frauenhofer Insitute
Question 2:
In the following 6 sectors, machinery and plant contrstruction, electrical engineering, car manufacturing, chemical industry, agricultural and information/communication technologies – one expects a growth of 78 billion Euros until 2025.
Question 3:
Smart Factory is a scientific expression that’s used in manufacturing engineering. It is part of the hightech-strategy of the German Governmant as a part of the future project – industry 4.0
It simply reflects the vision and production environment, in which manufacturing engineering and logistic systems organise themselves without human interaction.
The technical foundation are cyber-physical systems which communicate with the help of the IoT.
Question 4:
The term “Internet of things” or IoT describes that the (personal) computer in the digital world will be complemented by smart objects and up to artificial intelligence “AI”.
Instead of becoming an item of human attention yourself, the IoT should support you in all your tasks. This can also be translated to the production where products and productions machinery communicate with each other.
The IoT is therefore the base for smart factories by connecting everyday items with each other.
Question 5:
Industry 4.0 is already used in many production lines and is constantly evolving and optimized. The challenge in the development is to find digital business models for the different sectors.